Hear Mark Hamill Read Donald Trump Tweet As The Joker

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, who also voices the Joker in The Animated Batman Series, is using his Joker voice to make Donald Trump tweets sound even more sinful.

This past Saturday Mark Hamill tweeted an audio clip of himself as the Joker reciting Trump’s infamous December 31st tweet, “Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!”

Click on the player below to listen to clip.

Mark Hamill’s Joker reading of Trump’s tweet came following an idea seeded by comedy writer Matt Oswalt, who tweeted on December 31st of Trump’s New Year’s message, “This sounds like something the Joker would say right before releasing a swarm of killer bees into Gotham.”

On Saturday, Oswalt tweeted, “BILLION DOLLAR IDEA: an App that you can feed every Trump tweet into that plays it back in @HamillHimself Joker voice,” a concept that was endorsed by Oswalt’s brother Patton Oswalt.

Soon after, Hamill himself tweeted to the Oswalts, “As soon as I figure out how to tweet soundbites, I’d LOVE to. Nobody writes better super-villain dialogue than #Trumputin! #KremlinCandidate.” Twitter followers quickly came to Hamill’s aid and the audio clip was created.

In addition to portraying Luke Skywalker, Hamill has long served as the voice for the Joke in animated series, films and video games, starting with 1992’s Batman: The Animated Series and continuing as the Clown Prince of Crime up through 2016’s Justice League Action.

Hamill criticized Trump throughout the presidential election season, employing hashtags like #PutinsPuppet #KGB4Trump and #TheKremlinsAndKKKsKandidate.



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