Lamont and Tonelli had a little fun with Mike McGlinchey this week for being late to last week’s interview. The 49ers offensive lineman explained that he just missed their phone call.
It begged the question, has Mike ever made the same mistake with the San Francisco 49ers? The answer: Hell no.
“Absolutely not,” McGlinchey said. “There’s some pretty hefty fines that you have to pay, there’s some other repercussions with the way you’re viewed in the building and if you’re a repeat offender. It’s really bad.
“I definitely take a lot of pride in my punctuality with what I’ve done in my career.”
McGlinchey said that in general, 49ers players are almost never late to team meetings.
“It’s very, very rare to see late fines because you’re in the pros right? You want guys to be professional and you won’t be on the team very long if you can’t maintain something simple like being on time.”