It’s nothing new that the shut-downs, shelter-in-place mandates, and other restrictions really made it difficult for some of the breweries here in the Bay Area to function at full capacity. That’s why with the official relaunch of BONE-A-Fide Brews, we decided to go back and revisit the previous guest on the podcast.
This first brewery we are revisiting is one that, despite being so small, has evolved and grown during the whole pandemic. Alpha Acid Brewing, which is located in Belmont near highway 101, has been around for a while now, and even though they have been slowly growing, it was during the pandemic itself that made them grow from being a nano brewery to almost a microbrewery. For those who do not, those types of denominations pertain to the amount a brewery produces in a year. A microbrewery typically produces 15,000 barrels of beer a year, that’s 465,000 gallons! Alpha Acid runs on a seven-barrel system now with more fermenting tanks so they can produce more frequently but when you listen to the episode you’ll find out that they’re brewing almost the entire week!
Now I’m not going to go through the whole backstory with Alpha Acid. If you want to hear the history of the brewery you can actually listen to the previous episode HERE. Though we do briefly touch on the backstory, these revisits are more to check-in to see how each brewery dealt with the pandemic. One way that Alpha Acid helped expand its presence during the pandemic was by way of collaborations. You’ll hear that breweries can not only collaborate with other breweries but other entities like a podcast or a golf group. The one way though, we can all ensure that these breweries make it through, is to go out and support them at the taproom location.
As you listen you’ll hear just how Alpha Acid’s following helped them out. Enjoy the revisit Boneheads, I know that I had a blast catching up with a couple of my close beer industry friends.
Cheers \m/,
Joe Hawk