New episode of In The Kliq is out now.
Listen to Baby Huey and Graham “GSM” Matthews from WrestleRant talk about the announcement of Ring of Honor going on hiatus the first quarter of 2022, what could be next for the promotion and wrestlers, the company’s legacy and their video library up for sale as well.
Plus, they recap and review the highlights from AEW Dynamite:
- CM Punk vs. Bobby Fish
- Sammy Guevara vs. Ethan Page for the TNT Championship
- Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida
- Jon Moxley vs. Dark Order’s Pres10 Vance
- Cody Rhodes Promo
- The Dark Order vs. The Elite
Lastly, AEW Rampage:
- Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston
Kliq, Download, & Mark Out!