New episode of In The Kliq is out now.
Listen to Baby Huey and Brian talk about WWE releasing eight Superstars.
Plus, they recapped and reviewed the highlights from this week’s episodes of AEW Dynamite:
- Kenny Omega announcing he his taking time off
- Bryan Danielson interrupts “Hangman” Adam Page National Cowboy S#!T Day Celebration
- Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii vs. The Butcher & The Blade
- Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose
- CM Punk confronts MJF
- Dante Martin & Lio Rush vs. The Acclaimed
- Sammy Guevara vs. Jay Lethal for the TNT Championship
and AEW Rampage:
- Darby Allin vs. Billy Gunn
- Jade Cargill vs. Red Velvet
- Adam Cole & Bobby Fish vs. Jurassic Express
Kliq, Download, & Mark Out!