Just off of Highway 580, nestled between office buildings lies Shadow Puppet Brewing. Shadow Puppet is the product of two fellow homebrewers Brian Blackburn and Craig Danielson, both having a passion for craft beer and also the drive to produce a product to share with everyone. Now of course you can go and buy Shadow Puppet’s product at any major retailer, hell you can even find them down in Southern California, but believe me when I say you have to go to the taproom.
When you first walk into their taproom you’re greeted with a giant metal logo and as you take your first steps in you see the high vaulted ceiling with a plethora of metal chandeliers, bicycles, and even the original brew set up! What’s amazing is that not only is Craig an amazing brewer but he also works with metal. He has to thank his construction background for his knowledge of what tools to use because he has gone on to build just about everything and anything that is metal in the taproom and brewhouse, which is nice to know that no one is going to get far if they try to steal anything. What’s very unique about their taproom is that it actually expands into the brewhouse. Typically they’ll allow extra seating in the brewhouse where they have rigged up murphy style table-tops that can come down to be used and stored upward during brew days. Of course, due to Covid-19, they have to figure out outdoor seating, so out in the back, they have a beautiful patio with tables and chairs refurbished from a closed bowling alley! And if you’re wondering if they host live music, well they get a flatbed for the back and you have yourself a good ‘ole time with the music and the wide-open space.
Another great feature that they have is a kids’ room! That’s right now you don’t have to be that couple with a kid that’s running around, just go enjoy a quiet space with couches, a tv, and multiple board games for all ages!
Honestly, guys this place is a real destination and I highly recommend you take the drive from wherever you are to check out the amazing taproom and the equally if not more impressive brews they have to offer.
Cheers \m/,
Joe Hawk