Welcome back to BONE-A-Fide Brews my beer nerds and Boneheads alike! Today’s episode is a little different from the typical brewery episode, today I am joined by a very special guest and close friend of mine, Erica DeAnda. Erica and I were once coworkers at Freewheel Brewing in Redwood City, there we became really close friends and colleagues. She has since moved out to Wisconsin with her partner and fiance’ Ajay where she has made a name for herself in the beer industry in more ways than one.
Now of course we get into the story of how she discovered her passion for beer while she was out here in California, but it’s the conversations we have later that really show a different side to the beer industry. Slightly over a year ago Brienne Allen went onto her Instagram and ask if anyone has experience sexism in the beer industry, after that a #metoo movement within the beer industry began. And as suddenly as it began it vanished as if it didn’t happen. I wanted to get Erica’s point of view on this and see what her part of the world was doing and what the Wisconsin Beer scene did when this happened.
Another key point I wanted to talk to Erica about is mental health. Now you may think that working in the beer industry is fun but there are some demons and skeletons that you don’t see. The alcohol that is produced could be covering up someone’s issues or even online reviews could be digging at someone psychologically.
To say that I am proud of what Erica has done and is doing is an understatement. She has found a place she can call home, in the industry that she loves, even though it still needs some work, and is also making a difference for women and also anyone who wishes to work in or who is already working in beer.
I hope you enjoy this season finale of BONE-A-Fide Brews, we will be back after a little vacation with new episodes and new breweries and brewers for you to discover and enjoy!
Cheers \m/,
Joe Hawk