Mammoth WVH Announces Album Release Date, Shares First Single

Scott Legato/Getty Images

It’s official – the second Mammoth WVH album will be out this summer.

On Wednesday, Wolfgang Van Halen announced Mammoth II will be released on August 4, 2023. He also shared the first single, the hard-rocking “Another Celebration At The End Of The World”.

Just like on the first Mammoth album, Wolfgang plays every instrument on the new record – something he jokes about in the video for “Another Celebration”.

“I am recording this album totally on my own, like I did with the debut,” Van Halen previously said about the decision. “I know it may come across as selfish [laughs], but that’s just the way that it works for me.”

“I like to completely immersive myself in the music — in all aspects of it,” he added. “I think a lot of people have tried to turn it into something else, saying things like, ‘Oh it’s because he doesn’t want to pay other musicians,’ and it’s not that at all. This is just something for me. It’s a sacred experience for me. It’s my project, and an artistic outlet for me and my mental well-being.”

Watch the official music video here.