Lamont & Tonelli interviewed Mr. Skin about the passing of the beloved Suzanne Somers.
“Suzanne Somers passed away peacefully at home in the early morning hours of October 15th. She survived an aggressive form of breast cancer for over 23 years,” Somer’s former publicist, R. Couri Hay, shared on behalf of the actress’ family. Somers was 76.
Plus, Mr. Skin shares details of a partially nude scene involving Jennifer Aniston in “The Morning Show” and former Disney stars who have gone nude after leaving the mouse in a deep dive called “Top 100 Disney Stars Gone Nude.”
Listen to Lamont & Tonelli Monday through Friday from 6 am to 10 am on 107.7 The Bone. Hear their complete conversation with Mr. Skin, Chasta, Lamont and Tonelli below: