This morning Lamont & Tonelli got a voicemail from a listener on The Bone’s Bat Phone asking whatever happened to The Scarlet Taint.
At 107.7 The Bone, we’re down to connect with our Boneheads. Now, you have the power to be apart of our shows and call into the Bone Bat Phone.
It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Simply dial 415-995-7077 and let your voice be heard. Whether you want to share your all-time favorite rock anthems, your most unforgettable concert experiences, or your thoughts on whatever crosses your mind, the Bone Bat Phone is your personal hotline to the airwaves.
Your comments and messages may be featured on the air during our shows or even in our podcasts. We can’t wait to hear what you have to say, so pick up that phone and dial 415-995-7077.
Listen below: