DJ accused of groping Taylor Swift speaks out with Lamont and Tonelli

A civil court jury ruled in favor of Taylor Swift in her sexual assault lawsuit against radio personality David Mueller, also known as Jackson, on Monday. Mueller also lost his lawsuit against Swift for $3 million for the termination of his employment contract at KYGO in Denver.

Lamont and Tonelli spoke to him Tuesday morning about the allegations and the verdict:

Lamont: Give me the parameters around this, what exactly happened (at the meet and greet where Swift accused you of groping her)?

David Mueller: We stood in line, we eventually made it to the point where you go into a tented off area, it’s about 10 x 10. My girlfriend went in first; my tall beautiful girlfriend that I was in love with, she went in first and she said hi, I said hi. Taylor shook our hands. The two ladies started talking and I kind of stood near where we came into that tented area and abruptly Taylor said, ‘How bout a picture?’ and she put her arm around my girlfriend and pulled her tight and turned her toward the photographer. That’s when I realized ‘Hey were going to take a photo right now’ and I tried to get into the photo. No one said anything, no one did anything. By the way, there was a 350-pound body guard standing two feet away from me. No one said anything, then they thanked us for coming, shook my hand, they gave me a couple autographed headshots.

Chasta: What was your hand doing by her butt?

DM: My hand was closed and my palm was facing down. I’ve been saying that since that night. I tried to get my hand behind her back while looking at the photographer and trying to slide into the shot. I tried to lean into the shot. I was never looking at her. Her hand came into contact with my hand. Our arms crossed. There was I call it ‘jostling’…our hands sort of ‘going back and forth.’ Eventually my hand went inside her arm and her arm went behind my arm and her hand went behind me.

C: So what you’re saying it’s one of those awkward moments where you’re trying to take a picture real quick and you guys were trying to jostle around and it just was at the perfect time that your hand was behind her butt when the picture was taken?

DM: Chasta, what I can tell you that when I found out the photo had been taken, I was hoping the photographer would say, ‘that guy wasn’t ready,’ let’s do another one. Nobody said a word and I walked out of the tent. She thanked us for coming…then we left the photo area. I ended up outside. Then I went back in and that’s when they finally had some guy talk to me. He said, ‘Do you want to tell me what happened earlier tonight?’ I said, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’…I plainly get to the point where he’s telling me I grabbed Taylor’s butt. I said, ‘No I didn’t’ and he said, ‘Listen I can get the police.’

I said, ‘That’s a great idea, get the police’ and from that point on I kept asking them to ‘Get the police’ because they just kept trying to put words in my mouth and they kept accusing me of this stuff that I didn’t do.

LT: How long has this been going on for you from the start of the incident to yesterday when Taylor Swift won $1 from you?

DM: It’s been over 4 years I’ve been dealing with this. Right now I want to talk to people and tell my side of the story because, in civil court, there are certain things…I can’t talk about. For instance, my spotless police record, I’ve never been in trouble in my life. You can go all the way back to when I was a teenager and I was stupid. I never did anything. There’s nothing on my police record. I can’t talk about that in civil court.

Another thing is that I submitted myself to two polygraph tests. Two, independent polygraph tests and I passed them both. You can’t mention that in civil court or it’s an immediate mistrial. To everyone listening, all those people out there that are sending you hate mail, just listen to this: I passed two polygraphs, what else can I do? If anyone has an idea for me, how I can prove I’m innocent, I’ll do it.

LT: Did you accuse her of lying during the trial?

DM: I’m not going to make accusations.

I can tell you right now if you want to look at my motive, what’s my motive? I had a great career. You guys knew me 15 years ago, I’ve been building my career since I met you guys, and ‘I’m going to walk into a tent with my beautiful girlfriend and a 350-pound body guard and I’m going to grope a celebrity?’ That’s insanity, that makes no sense.

LT: If you could do one thing over again, what would you do?

DM: From that night?

LT: Yea, if you could do one thing over, what would it be?

DM: If I could do one thing over on the night of the Taylor Swift concert, I would’ve just stood my ground when it was time to take a photograph and I would’ve let the ladies do it alone.

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