Well, this quarterback cares deeply about his tight end. Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes admitted that he has worn the same pair of underwear for every game since his rookie year. Mahomes explained that he only slips into the old undies on game days, clarifying that they are “not too worn down” or “nasty.” He explained in the interview: “I wash ’em… Every once in a while,” adding, “I mean, if we’re on a hot streak, I can’t wash ’em, you know? I’ve gotta just keep it rolling.” The QB doesn’t see himself letting go of the peculiar tradition in fear of jinxing his NFL career. “As long as I’m winning football games, I’ll keep the superstition going,” he said. There seems to be a method to Mahomes’ madness, as he has played in three Super Bowls, two of which he won.
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