If the voice of the decapitated skull in the horror-comedy flick Here For Blood sounds familiar, you’re probably dating yourself.… MORE

If the voice of the decapitated skull in the horror-comedy flick Here For Blood sounds familiar, you’re probably dating yourself.… MORE
Disturbed have released a music video for “Don’t Tell Me”, their collaboration with Heart’s Ann Wilson.… MORE
Listen to Lamont & Tonelli every weekday from 6-10am.… MORE
Check out Bob-O’s football picks for this weekend.… MORE
Catch Taybor Pepper’s weekly reports with Lamont & Tonelli every Thursday at 6:50am.… MORE
A May 7th release date for “Silver Surfers” has been set.… MORE
Back in December, Ozzy Osbourne shared T-Pain’s cover of Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs” on Twitter/X.… MORE
Listen to Lamont & Tonelli every weekday from 6-10am.… MORE
Kelly Osbourne’s son is a perfect podcast guest.… MORE
Mötley Crüe is getting ready to share some news with fans.… MORE
As the calendar turns to August, a new climb is underway in Santa Clara. Up off the mat come your 2024 San Francisco 49ers. Wounds, both physical and emotional, have healed and are healing. Opening kickoff is 40 days away, a six week crawl that may only be magnified by the perpetual mediocrity of the…
Celebrating the Bay Area rock scene … past, present and future!
Celebrating the Bay Area rock scene … past, present and future!
Celebrating the Bay Area rock scene … past, present and future! Hosted by Dennis Willis. Originally broadcast on 107.7 The Bone on May 18, 2024 MUSICIANS – SUBMIT YOUR MUSIC HERE: https://www.1077thebone.com/soundwaves/ PLAYLIST: Destroy Boys – “Plucked” Earth Quake – “Everywhere I Go” Eric Martin Band – “Sucker for a Pretty Face” Swamphammer – “Voodoo…
Celebrating the Bay Area rock scene … past, present and future!
Celebrating the Bay Area rock scene … past, present and future!
Celebrating the Bay Area rock scene … past, present and future!
Mötley Crüe will release a new single later this week, after signing a new deal with Big Machine Records.
The “Destroy All Enemies” tour will make a stop to the Toyota Pavilion at Concord on August 10, 2024.
Listen to Lamont & Tonelli every weekday from 6-10am.
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