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Governor Whitmer Encourages Detroiters to Take Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP via Getty

LANSING, March 8, 2021 ~ Governor Gretchen Whitmer is going to take whichever vaccine is available, and is encouraging Detroiters to be open to the same.  Sunday on CNN she stated that all three vaccines were “safe and effective,” including the recently-approved vaccine from Johnson & Johnson.

\”I will get whatever vaccine is available to me because they all have high efficacy, they\’re all incredibly safe, and the quicker we can get to 70% of our population vaccinated, the quicker we can have some more normalcy in our day-to-day lives,\” Whitmer said.

However, Catholic leaders in Michigan have raised opposition to the vaccine, saying the testing and development had ties to an aborted fetus.

A statement by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops states “Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines raised concerns because an abortion-derived cell line was used for testing them, but not in their production.  The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, however, was developed, tested, and is produced with abortion-derived cell lines raising additional moral concerns.”

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan has faced backlash after initially declining more than 6,000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, saying that the single dose vaccines would be better suited for rural areas.  On Thursday however, he said that he would accept shipments in the future, if necessary.