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A Struggling Restaurant Industry Faces New Challenges as a Tipped Minimum Wage Increase Approaches

Photo: David Veselnak / HometownLife.com / USA Today

DETROIT, August 26, 2022 ~ A minimum wage hike for restaurant workers, that would more than double the tipped minimum wage, has been delayed until February when Court of Claims Judge Douglas Shapiro declared a stay to allow restaurants to prepare for the change.

This comes in the wake of the pandemic, as restaurants are already struggling with inflation and supply chain issues.

It sounds great on paper,” said Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association President and CEO Justin Winslow to 760 WJR’s Paul W. Smith. “It’s actually bad for servers and bad for the operators.”


August 26, 2022 ~ President and CEO talks to Paul W. about a new survey that indicates Michigan’s restaurant industry is still struggling due to soaring costs.

According to Winslow, more than 90% of restaurant owners in the state said they are less profitable than before COVID-19, and almost all restaurants are struggling to fill open job spaces.